Sunday, March 2, 2008

100 Posts! Wow Everyone Will be Thrilled!


It helps not to have any social life. Never go out or go to work. Stop returning phone calls. Cancel subscriptions. Toss your TV out. Stumble on a blog page. begin to wonder.

How has the world existed without the witty observations and profound insights that I alone can offer?

The answer is clear-IT CANNOT.

So without considering the time spent or the cutting and pasting, the long hours thinking of catch phrases and goofy titles, you dive in.

And then it happens. The great trickle. A nerve wracking, eye popping flood of comments. Prepare yourself: I get one or two comments. I know, don't these folks have a life? After all who is running the libraries?

At first it was hard, but I reminded myself that it was about ME ME ME ME ME ME! and then I felt better.

Plus I love being a librarian. I love it. Also, I want to be the center of the universe because I am afraid to die and think world domination is fun career choice. I will do it one library at a time! Ha ha ha!

OK, that is out of my system.


I can't figure out why more people don't adore me.

Guess I will just have to go back to posting news.


The Bloggable Librarian

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